Inspectors 5000 Plus Group
Ambassador Construction Consultants, LLC
Marko Vovk has inspected over 12,000 residential and commercial buildings. He has Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering and is State Licensed in Lead, Radon, Wood boring insects. Additionally Marko is certified in HVAC air balancing, carbon monoxide, and is also a Certified Indoor Environmentalist. He is the co-author of the Illustrated Mold Handbook, holds one US patent and has teaches continuing education class to real estate agents, home inspectors and code, building inspectors. Marko has been an expert on numerous TV news shows and has been a speaker at an ASHI® National Convention.

Ambassador Construction Consultants LLC is a Cleveland-based home inspection, investigation, and building science-consulting firm. Our focus is helping prospective property purchasers gain the proper and necessary knowledge of the conditions of their potential investments.

Ambassador Construction Consultants LLC performs home inspections, pest certifications, lead assessment, radon testing, mold testing, moisture investigations, residential forensic investigation, and expert witness reporting.

The Inspectors 5000 Plus Group believes every home deserves a professional home inspection!